My week 2 with Master Key experience

My week 2 is really my week one and what a week it has been. Trying to get orientation and week 1 lessons in was fun and got my blood boiling.  I read my scroll out loud, ever night, I read it in silence to start my day and  I read it after dinner because I skip lunch.  I didn’t get the blue rectangle reference until Wednesday when I saw a post in the general discussion area.   Now that I knew what the connection was.  I was very curious when I would start seeing blue rectangles all around me. That night I recognized my first blue rectangle. It was my  binder that held my weeks lessons.   Which reminded me to do my needs out loud.  Of  course it did!   Today I did my needs by singing them and it made it fun.  My second go around was while I was driving.  As I was yelling my needs out loud I then turned my face toward the passenger seat and loudly proclaimed I need spiritual growth and true health.  As I was pointing my index finger and then I yelled it again to finish my lesson. It just felt like it will be done, it’s going to happen.

Let me get back to the blue rectangles, each day I was seeing more of them and it always drew me to my needs spiritual growth and true health. Even though I was finished with my chant for the day, it allowed me to think about my needs unconsciously. Hah Ha I’m loving it. This is even though I had to cram in 2 weeks when I was trying to get things done from both weeks and I was focused on getting what I could get done. I was thinking about it every day without realizing at the time that I was, until I started writing  tonight’s blog.  Friday night I was looking for my dictionary that was buried in one of the many box’s that has been packed away for 18 years. Never really needed to unpack my dictionary every again, thanks to my 2 favorite words.  “Ok” Google.  Let me tell you its  been 18 years since I looked up a word from a dictionary,  gotta say I enjoyed it.  Well back to my blue rectangles they where coming from ever where.  Shoe boxes even the shoes that where in the shoe box lol and so much more.  I can only hope that this is the universe letting me know that I will achieve spiritual growth and true heart and it’s putting it out there for all us not just me because the universe is kind when we give back in kindness. I’m here to seek a better way.  Just one extended week has shown me what is possible.  It’s already happening,  it may be tiny buts it’s forward motion.

Tonight as I was trying to sit still the strangest thing appeared in my mind, it was like a video playing in my mind. I couldn’t stop it until the scene was completed.  I even but it on pause with my own thought about how strange this was and after that thought came and went the scene played on.   The gentleman in my video was Tom Holden.  I was using his technic to make an appointment with a prospect by creating an agreement to make sure he showed up and kept his appointment.  I was doing the speaking, doing what he does and was teaching me and it worked. I experienced no hiccups in the verbiage.  It felt comfortable, like I was doing it for years.  I did not put that thought there the image just appeared.  This class is going to very interesting to say the least.  I love it!  Oh!  By the way his technic is 98% in kept appointments!  I might be a little off on those numbers my old memory is still here as well 😉

I never did get to the schedule this week that’s a definite for tomorrow I mismanaged my time last week. Making a schedule Saturday should improve that.  I also have to get in a good habit of reciting my DMP and sitting with a purpose of thought, those are my last catching up lessons and then I’m all ready for week 3.

In a nutshell as a ponder about the week what seemed like a rushed and fast week, and even though I didn’t write my schedule I was still focused on getting in my lessons and tasks done.  Time management needs work but I’m on it. During this week’s journey I have noticed my areas I need tweaking and I have the solution for them. I will be all caught up by the time Sunday rolls around and be ready for week three.  Curious to see what that will bring.  I’m counting on still seeing the blues rectangles every day.  Part of my DMP was I watch a video a day on learning good nuggets to grow my self and my business and I did every day, next is practicing it.  I felt more relaxed and I’m finally excited,  I wasn’t feeling that in the beginning, I’m feeling that tonight for the first time.

Thank you for taking the time to read my blog!  Please give me a chance to feel my way around on WordPress, and let’s see what kind of fun we can have!  Stay tuned!  I appreciate you all and have an awesome weekend!☺   peace

Please don’t litter  🚯 take the time 🚮 be kind to Mother Nature 😊 be Kind to Everyone!  you Deserve it!  Until next time Norina


4 thoughts on “My week 2 with Master Key experience”

  1. I’m right there with you, Norina! Your detailed accounts make that easy to do, and I’m exceptionally glad you are already seeing some positive change due to your diligent effort to stay true to the master key exercises. Of special note:

    “As I was yelling my needs out loud I then turned my face toward the passenger seat and loudly proclaimed I need spiritual growth and true health.”

    I’m sure there are many, many that have gone through the entire six month MKE program without taking such powerful initiative.

    Bravo! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Believe me this course is worth it. The class of 2017 believed it and made it possible for you too. Stick with it. Excited for your journey with MKE. I’m a 2015 Life member, and just checking out the new membership. Also, I do the blogroll, so I just added you to the bottom of the list. Use CTRL F and type in your last name. You will find the people above you, that I recently added too. And the people below you are actually the members at the top of the list.


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